Why you should use a Landscape Architect for Roof Deck Development

A lot of homes in Chicago are developed all the way through with the exception of the roof deck space.  Why is that?  The rooftop is the best part of any home, right?  Perhaps developers and builders just want to leave that space for you to fully customize it yourself! …

Casual Market Chicago Review

This week at the Merchandise Mart, vendors from all over the world have come together to display their extensive appliance and furniture collections.  From Rugs to Hammocks, Dining Tables to Shade Cabanas, if you are looking for outdoor products, this is where you will find them. I stopped by this morning …

The Roof Deck of a Pro Athlete (Chicago Edition)

Here in Chicago, we love our sports icons, and nothing gives us more of a thrill than spotting one of our favorite athletes out on the streets mixing it up with us regulars.  And just like us regulars, these highly talented, exceptionally athletic individuals love nothing more than some serious …

Material Madness

Ipe, Cedar, Granite and Stone.  We are guilty of it too.  As designers, we are all comfortable with what we are most familiar with.  But what if I told you there was an entire world of incredibly unique outdoor materials from which you could chose from when building your outdoor …

Urban Plants

Urban settings are rarely considered an ideal client for any plant.  Throw them up on a roof deck drenched in direct sunlight and surrounded by strong winds and you have yourself an even greater challenge.  Most plants simply can’t handle it.  It takes a special breed (literally).  And today, we …

Celebrity Roof Decks (Chicago Edition)

The lifestyles of the rich and particularly the famous have always been of interest to the general population long before the internet and modern-day technology came about.  Think way back to the days of 17 and People Magazine.  Oh, they still exist? Well, that being said, celebrities used to have a …