Meet the Roof Deck Designer – Volume 1 – Jake Gazlay

Today is the first part of a series where we will share a little bit more about some of the designers at Chicago Roof Deck + Garden.  When hiring a roof deck designer it is important that you get to know who you are going to be hiring.  Not only do you want to like them (you’ll be spending a lot of time together after all) but you want to make sure that your aesthetic preferences are in line with the overall style of your designer.  So without further adieu, we introduce to you, Jake Gazlay, Design Director at Chicago Roof Deck + Garden!


Jake has been with Chicago Roof Deck + Garden since 2014.  Originally from Chicago’s Northwest Suburbs, Jake attended Iowa State University and earned his degree in Landscape Architecture.  If you checked out his bio, you might have noticed that Jake is a Triplet!  But that’s not the only thing that makes this Roof Deck Designer unique! Jake has a talent for breaking up a large open space into smaller intimate spaces each with their own feel and function. Jake is always looking for unique materials or product solutions for his clients to give them the best product based on their needs and budgets.

Jake is extremely detail-oriented and takes his job as a roof deck designer very seriously.  Jake takes his time walking clients through the entire process and making sure that they feel taken care of every step of the way. If you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Jake, you really are in for a treat!  Check out three of Jake’s favorite projects that he has designed over his past four and a half years here at Chicago Roof Deck + Garden.

1. Bucktown Garage Roof Deck Demo

Bucktown Garage Roof Deck Renovation After


2. West Loop Penthouse


3. River North Private Penthouse

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