Celebrity Roof Decks (Chicago Edition)

The lifestyles of the rich and particularly the famous have always been of interest to the general population long before the internet and modern-day technology came about.  Think way back to the days of 17 and People Magazine.  Oh, they still exist? Well, that being said, celebrities used to have a …

The Ultimate Woman-Cave

Bat-Caves, Man-Caves, and now Woman-Caves!?  Some call it a ‘Babe-Cave’, others a ‘She-Shed’ but here at the Urban Wildlife we have coined the term ‘Woman-Cave’ to describe the area of the home dedicated to the woman of the house which is seemingly a must in today’s world of constant distractions. Whereas …

Top 5 Roof Decks in Chicago — Memorial Day 2016

Whether you are visiting Chicago for the holiday weekend or having friends or family visiting, the best way to experience Memorial Day weekend in Chicago is to find a great roof deck, plant yourself and enjoy some good drinks, great food, and hopefully a spectacular view!  Below is the list …

Summer Recipes For Your Big Green Egg

If you own a Big Green Egg, then we don’t have to tell you that you can do a whole lot more than throw some brats on the grill.  The Big Green Egg allows you to bake, smoke, roast, or grill pretty much any meal to perfection!  But even with …

Succulents: The Plant Everyone Adores, Yet Nobody Knows How To Keep Alive

Chicago Roof Deck + Garden Design Studio Succulents Succulents are, by nature, a “low-maintenance” plant.  Considering they grow on their own in the middle of the desert where rain comes but once a year and seemingly nothing else can survive, you would think these guys are tough as nails.  But …

Event Review: PowerHouse SMART At CRD+G

This past week, Chicago Roof Deck + Garden opened its Design Studio Doors and played host to some of Chicago’s (and the nation’s) most impressive Luxury Home Living Vendors for a PowerHouse SMART Event.  In attendance was the “Who’s Who” of the high-end Landscape Design, Interior design, Grill industry, Lighting …

Get Your Ducks In a Row

Duck Duck Goat Butcher Should you know someone, or at least know someone who knows someone, you might be able snag a reservation.  Or if your wife, by nothing other than dumb luck, happened to have called for a reservation on their opening day, you are one of the few …