Trends for Outdoor Spaces in Chicago for the Fall of 2021

October 28, 2021
Chicago Roof Deck Trends for Outdoor Spaces in Chicago for the Fall of 2021 Main Photo
The pandemic and stay-at-home orders have effectively changed how homeowners view their spaces. Design trends continue to focus on flex spaces with a stress on multi-functional outdoor areas, even as the year draws to a close. Experts estimate radical changes in how people will continue to live and work even after the crisis is over. Professionals like the new work-from-home lifestyle that gives them the flexibility to keep up with personal and professional commitments and have a healthier work-life balance. These requirements are showing through in the way people like to design their homes. Here are some architectural trends in 2021 that you might find interesting.
An outdoor deck or settling for a garage-top roof deck in the absence of yard space is being viewed as a valuable investment. Some great examples include the new construction units available at 886 W. Lill Avenue, in Lincoln Park. The units built with a rooftop deck sold for a 15% higher price than the units without this amenity. Let’s try another. The second-floor unit at 1124-285 W. Wrightwood Ave with a roof deck sold for $749,000 which is 20% higher than the price of a similar unit without a roof deck that went for $625,000. Suffice to say that should you choose to construct a deck or terrace living space, you can hope to get a great ROI.
Chicago Roof Deck Trends for Outdoor Spaces in Chicago for the Fall of 2021 Main Photo 3
Up until a couple of years ago, outdoor decks had a more rustic ambiance. Not any more! Residents in Chicago prefer that their living spaces flow seamlessly from the indoors to the outdoors. You would go with stylish furniture with clean lines, but waterproof materials so they remain protected against the wet and windy conditions of Chicago’s weather. With Fall coming around, the decor has more throw blankets, area rugs, poufs, and pillows to create a cozy ambiance against the chilly winds. These textures also add an element of softness and welcoming appeal to the spaces.

Outdoor kitchens now mimic indoor kitchens with sleek contemporary lines devoid of intricate carvings and moldings. Color schemes are neutral and soothing with a strong stress on white and combinations of soft blues, delicate greens, and gentle off-whites. Chicagoans love their appliances and the possibility of hot pizza fresh from the oven. With this objective in mind, you’ll see that pizza ovens have become an essential fixture along with induction cooktops that spread heat evenly for faster cooking and energy efficiency.

Depending on the space you have available, grills and beverage coolers along with a prepping and washing station are other accessories you can add. As for countertops, similar to your indoor kitchen, you’d go with quartz for outdoor cooking and dining surfaces. You can expect this material to last a long while thanks to its ability to withstand cold and warm weather conditions.

Roof decks and outdoor spaces in Chicago continue to be used for regular living and not just having friends over and entertaining. Accordingly, you’ll add freestanding heaters or built-in fireplaces to keep away the chills. Go with infrared or electric heaters that warm the spaces without the risk of the heat blowing away in the wind. Fire pits contained in a coffee table are great options to add an element of romance and seclusion. Outdoor areas with adequate ventilation can also use gas heaters to make them cozy.

Your rooftop deck would be incomplete without plants and foliage. The pandemic has had many Chicagoans experimenting with their green thumbs and kitchen gardens emerged in many backyards and gardens. Get a selection of planters in different shapes and sizes for planting flowers, fragrant herbs for adding to homecooked wholesome meals, and fruit trees. If you would prefer perennials and decorative plants, check out nearby nurseries for ornamental grasses, evergreens, and other foliage that brighten your deck. For all those homeowners who don’t really have the time for gardening and tending plants, there’s always the option of faux plants and synthetic lawns.
Chicagoans have always loved their outdoor spaces and the pandemic has freed up more of their time to experiment with a whole bunch of ideas. And, we’re here to help! Call us in for a quick look around and let’s talk about the functionality you need. Make a statement this fall by adopting some of the latest decorating trends buzzing in the city.