Selling Your Place With an Outdoor Space

A roof deck, back patio, or even front parkway are all opportunities to increase the perceived size of your space and give more livable square footage. I recently read an article on the Zillow Blog speaking on the value of outdoor space when purchasing and selling a home. Here are a few of the key points I walked away with:

‘The key word when identifying the value of outdoor space is “usable.” Having usable — easily accessible — outdoor space from the house that can be enjoyed most of the year definitely helps sell a property. This is why, if you’re a seller and you’ve got the goods, you should make the extra effort to showcase your deck, yard or patio.’

If you’re selling and you have this outdoor real estate gold, focus your staging/prepping time on it. Much like giving the front of the home curb appeal, pay extra attention to the outdoor spaces. People love to entertain, especially during the warmer months. So it’s important to show potential buyers how they can live and use this space.

Properties these days take longer to sell, and outdoor space is an asset. Consider it an extension of your home. The nicer it looks, the better the interior of your home will look — and, with luck, the easier your job of selling will be.’ Many people have yet to realize the value of the outdoor space they have access to. A roof deck, back patio, or even front parkway are all opportunities to increase the perceived size of your space and give more livable square footage. Utilizing and maximizing these space through lighting, heating, outdoor entertaining elements, shade, and protection all add value and longevity to your existing space. No matter the amount of space, be sure to highlight and utilize what you have.

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